What is the Difference Between an Emergency Dentist and a Regular Dentist?

Learn about the difference between an emergency dentist and a regular dentist. Find out when it's best to see an emergency dentist and when it's best to see your regular dentist.

What is the Difference Between an Emergency Dentist and a Regular Dentist?

Dentists who receive emergency training have the same education and preparation as a general dentist, but they also get additional training in emergency services. This can include treating severe or abrupt injuries, such as loose teeth, cracks or chips in the teeth, and even broken jaws. An emergency dentist is a specialist trained to handle all types of dental emergencies, from toothaches and infections to sagging teeth. On the other hand, a general dentist focuses on preventive care and routine dental procedures.

If you have a dental emergency during regular office hours, the best thing to do is call your dentist and schedule an appointment. However, if it's a true dental emergency, it's best to see an emergency dentist right away. If you can't reach your dentist or don't have one, the best thing to do is go to an emergency room. Your dentist will work with you to determine an appropriate treatment plan and will provide you with instructions on aftercare until you can see your regular dentist again. Fortunately, emergency dentists are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help you get the treatment you need.

However, there is no such thing as an “emergency dentist” in Canada according to the Canadian Association of Dental Specialties. If you have a dental emergency, such as a fallen tooth, severe toothache, or a broken filling, you'll need emergency dental care.

Mía Walker
Mía Walker

Wannabe twitter trailblazer. Hardcore tv scholar. Freelance pop culture enthusiast. Unapologetic beer maven. Hipster-friendly sushi trailblazer. Hipster-friendly beer maven.

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