What to Do in a Dental Emergency for Your Child

When it comes to dental emergencies for children, it's important to act quickly and know what steps to take. Learn more about what you should do in case of an emergency.

What to Do in a Dental Emergency for Your Child

When it comes to dental emergencies, it's important to act quickly and know what to do. In the event of an emergency, dentistry for children is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For after-hours care, call 703-543-4728 for Fairfax or 703-429-4619 for Herndon. Make sure your child doesn't have a more serious injury and remember to call 911 for help if needed.

If your child has a permanent or adult tooth that has been knocked out by a blow, keep it moist at all times by placing it in a container or in milk, or use a dental preservation product that has the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Acceptance. Then, go to your dentist's office right away. It is not necessary to wet a primary tooth (baby tooth), but, if possible, it should be found to take it to the dentist. See First Aid for a fallen permanent tooth for more information.

Although there are many things that can cause toothache, toothache can sometimes be caused by trauma. If your child has a toothache due to trauma and has blood or debris in his mouth, you can help him rinse him with warm salt water. This saltwater solution can also soothe injured gums and give the pediatric dentist a better chance to examine the mouth and evaluate the appropriate treatment plan. The pediatric dentist can easily assess the severity of the fracture using dental x-rays, but any change in the color of the tooth (for example, pinkish or yellowish tints on the inside of the tooth) is an emergency warning sign.

Then take your child to a pediatric dentist or an emergency children's dentist, depending on which person is available most quickly. For all dental emergencies, it's important to take your child to the dentist or emergency room as soon as possible. In conclusion, if your child experiences a dental emergency, it's important to act quickly and know what steps to take. Make sure you call 703-543-4728 for Fairfax or 703-429-4619 for Herndon for after-hours care and remember to call 911 if needed. Keep any knocked out permanent teeth moist and take your child to the dentist or emergency room as soon as possible.

Mía Walker
Mía Walker

Wannabe twitter trailblazer. Hardcore tv scholar. Freelance pop culture enthusiast. Unapologetic beer maven. Hipster-friendly sushi trailblazer. Hipster-friendly beer maven.

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